Updated June, 2021

Are you a fan of Google services, just like me? Then, at that place'due south a large run a risk that you're a Google Drive user, the cloud storage with the largest number of active users, 2 billion monthly users – could you imagine?

Regarding its benefits, no wonder that Google Drive has then many fans. Information technology's top-performing, easy to utilise, & affordable. The storage is likewise very secure & has lots of storage chapters.

Google Drive even so has its weaknesses & shortcomings. For example, users tend to mutter about its low speed. We tried to brand your life easier by writing about bones troubleshooting in Google Drive & focusing on more advanced Google Drive fixes.

But its upload speed stays a common source of frustration. Personally, I feel like I'm wasting my time, sitting in front of my figurer & trying to upload photos so that I can sell pictures online (large prototype files) for the concluding 10 minutes. I bet the irritation of someone working with videos is ten times college.

So at present information technology's a good time to hash out Google Drive upload speed, its factors & difficulties. Nosotros'll respond this big question – how long does information technology take for Google Drive to process a video? And more importantly, we'll observe ways of how to speed upwardly your Google Drive upload.


Behind the scenes of uploading to Google Drive

Generally, three factors influence your upload speed in Google Drive:

  1. File size. Obviously, smaller files similar texts or images will upload quicker than 4k videos;
  2. Internet speed & connectivity. If your device is connected to high-speed internet, your assets will go uploaded to Google Drive faster. And deject storage will work quicker in general.
  3. Your device chapters. Try using newer & more powerful software for higher upload speed. Large or bulk file upload is a big brunt for your device processor. This, in turn, affects your performance. Besides, avoid running many tasks at the same fourth dimension. This also makes your cloud storage work slower.Let's consider what happens when y'all upload a file to Google Drive. Once you click Upload files/folders > Open, Google Drive needs some time to process your data. The cloud storage is scanning files & rendering previews.

For example, if it's an prototype or video, the system takes time to convert the asset into a variety of formats, codecs, and resolutions. Information technology makes sure you can open up your media on whatever device you're using.

Of form, videos are the most challenging file type to upload. They're large & bulky and so you meet "upload mistake" on your screen more often. The enquiry "how long does it have for Google Drive to process a video" ranks high on search engines. And I'm sure if you've ever dealt with videos, you lot were wondering most this question as well.

Our rough estimation says that you'll need i hour per 1 GB to upload a video (or any other type of file). Add 10 minutes per GB to this number for processing a video.

By the way, you tin rail the progress of uploading your file. See this popular-upwardly in the right corner of your screen:

Track the progress of uploading files to your Google Drive

You cannot track the file processing, though. When yous try to open the file, you'll meet this warning message:

The warning message

You lot go on declining to open your file until the processing stops. Then you'll know for sure when the upload process is completed – y'all'll exist able to run the file without any disruption.

For a more comprehensive knowledge, read our ultimate guide to uploading files to Google Drive.

Make Your Google Bulldoze Upload Faster

Now when we know everything virtually Google Drive upload, let'due south find ways to increase your upload speed.

Cheque your Google Bulldoze upload speed

Start taking the upload speed examination for your Google Drive. You'll get to know the speed of your cloud storage connection & whether whatever radical measures are necessary. Like when the upload speed is also slow, y'all'd probably demand to check your hardware or the internet connection. Anyway, this signals some major issues, which we unlikely solve with our footling troubleshooting ideas.

Google doesn't requite any precise info on normal Google Drive speed so you could compare it to your ain data. Still, Reddit user /justindustin writes about 45 MB per 2d every bit the ideal speed you can expect.

Hither you should also remember nearly the Google Drive limit of 3 files per second & 750 GB a twenty-four hours. This means that the upload of many small files could take you more fourth dimension than one big asset. And if you're planning to upload 5 TB of info (as the Reddit user has been trying), yous might need to wait a whole week. (Just for the 750 GB limit, there's a workaround. Add i more than user to Drive, and y'all get another 750 GB.)

Change your app settings

Now it'south time to accept steps to actually solve your Drive upload bug. A good starting indicate is to configure basic settings in your Google Drive app. If you're using a desktop version, open Settings (cull the icon & click on three dots). Then click on Preferences > Advanced.

In this section, you lot'll see different options of how to configure your Google Drive. But if y'all want to increment upload speed, choose Direct connexion nether "Proxy" and Don't limit for Upload Rate (and maybe also Download Rate) under "Bandwidth".

If you're a browser version user as I am, the all-time you can exercise is to articulate up your browser information. Get to your browser Settings (for example, in Chrome, you lot demand to click on the iii dots in the upper right corner). Then select Privacy & Security > Clear Browsing Information > Advanced > Clear information.

Clear browsing data

Information technology's up to y'all to choose which information you lot want to delete. But for better results, we recommend removing everything: your browser & download history, cookies, cached data, etc.

Additionally, you can prepare a hardware acceleration for your browser. Over again, go to the Settings section > Avant-garde Settings > System > Apply hardware acceleration when available. This should speed up your Google Drive on a web version too.

Set up hardware acceleration for your browser

Reduce your file size

Compressing your file is a fit-it-all solution. You might not know the existent reason for your slow upload to Google Drive. Only reducing your file size through compression will work anyhow. For 1 thing, it'll reduce the buffer time to add a large file to your cloud storage. For some other, you lot'll save up your storage space.

Archiving your files is also a very good strategy if you need to transfer your information further like sharing them with colleagues or clients.

You might complain that yous cannot preview files in this scenario. Just this is non the case anymore. Unzip your info correct in the Google Drive app by connecting apps similar Zip Extractor or something similar.

Click on the + symbol on the left side of your Google Drive:

Connect an app to Google Drive

Then, choose More > Connect more apps. Select the app you demand & grant all the permissions. At present when you right-click on the archive, you'll be able to unzip the files in your Google Drive account.

Try the Drive Uploader app

To use Drive Uploader is another simple, but constructive style to speed up your Google Drive. This is an easy-to-utilise & condom app, designed to receive large volumes of info & upload them to your Google Drive. Interestingly, the sender doesn't have to exist a Drive user.

First, sign upward or login into the app. (Yous can connect to your Google Drive to exercise it automatically.) Then, click Create an uploader:

Drive Uploader interface

So you'll become a chance to set configurations for your upload like choosing it a championship, destination folder, or whether you desire to become notifications about the upload:

Create a new uploader

When yous save your settings, the app will automatically generate an URL for you. Re-create the link & paste it into another tab. The link will give you a usual elevate'n'drop opportunity. Upload your files there, add your proper noun & e-mail.

Drang-n-drop your files

The speed might not be skyrocketing. But at least, y'all'll see the progress very clearly. Wait for your data in your Google Drive > My Drive > Drive Uploader.

Utilise Speed Uploader Extension

Speed Uploader is ane more app developed by Google for uploading files faster. It works equally an extension for your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). Also, it allows you to upload data to specific folders directly and complete simultaneous uploads.

Speed Uploader

Once you set upward the extension, get to your browser apps. (It'll transfer you automatically.) And choose Speed Uploader.

Your next step is to login & authorize. (Only connect to your Google account, as usual.) And so, configure all the permissions, and you'll see the upload folio. (It might not wait really nice, but we target speed, not an impressive user interface.)

Upload files in Speed Uploader

Here y'all connect the folder where you want your data to upload. (Or create a new one.) And so, kickoff transferring your data – the tool should really speed upwardly your Google Drive uploads.

Test other acceleration software

Actually, your options don't limit to Bulldoze Uploader or Speed Uploader only. There are lots of other tools available on the market. We've covered the almost popular ones in our mail on Uploading to Google Bulldoze. But you're free to cheque them upward past yourself (and supplement this list with your ain variants).

How to get the most of your Google Workspace

In brief, hither are a few Google Drive acceleration tools you might effort to speed up your uploads:

  • Rclone is a frequent recommendation of Reddit users. This is a control-line plan to manage your files on cloud storage, including syncing & uploading data. Rclone tin upload chunks of data simultaneously, and this is how information technology'll improve your upload speed.
  • Fill-in & Sync is a good addition to your Google Bulldoze to create automatic backups. It'southward a desktop app that connects a folder on your computer to Google Drive. And once yous place files at that place, they get uploaded to your Google Drive automatically. The tool works in the background too, which will salve you lots of time in the hereafter.
  • Drive Filestream is another nice app to add to your Google Workspace account. Its idea is to stream your files to your PC, without really storing them. In other words, you can see your data, but they're non physically present (and don't swallow up your space). Then no downloads are needed, whatsoever.
  • Pics.io migration services offering yous fast uploads betwixt unlike clouds, including Google Drive. In this fashion, you can transfer your binder construction & metadata too.
  • Duplicati is another tool for online backups for the well-nigh popular services such as Google Drive, Amazon S3, or MEGA. The app will allow you to upload your files quicker and safer. And it's completely free of charge.
  • Speedify is a good option for uploads from mobile devices. The app combines your mobile data & WiFi to ensure more stable connectivity. And thus, it gives you lot a take a chance to speed up your uploads to Google Drive.

Upload automatically with Pics.io DAM

Uploading files via Pics.io Digital Asset Management is like shooting fish in a barrel and fourth dimension-efficient. This file managing director works on top of your Google Drive then anything you upload there will exist mirrored automatically on your Google Drive.

Pics.io file upload

How volition DAM speed upwards your uploads? Hands! With Pics.io, y'all can organize your files and make them searchable even at the stage of upload. A user tin can add together metadata, assignees, nugget marks, descriptions, custom metadata fields, etc., etc., too equally choose a collection where to upload the info.

Here are a few other ways how DAM tin can be useful to y'all next to automating your uploads to Google Drive:

  • Access files instantly thanks to advanced search capabilities
  • Add and manage all sorts of metadata for your files
  • Work with any scopes, sizes, and formats, regardless of Google Bulldoze file limits
  • Establish granular function permissions, contained from those of Google Drive
  • See and feel your assets with automatic previews and a visually inspiring layout
  • Collaborate with your team – tag colleagues nether assets and first a discussion
  • Keep revisions of files in one place
  • Share and receive third-party materials easily

Wrap up

Google Drive is a nice tool to have in your team's armory. This cloud storage is easy-to-use, rich in features, & integrates with many apps. And it's definitely over-performs about of its competitors.

Despite its perks, Google Bulldoze is far from ideal. And many of its users face up upload problems from time to time. In the post, we've covered 5 tangible solutions of how to make your Google Bulldoze upload faster. Just don't exist lazy to test each of them to discover what works best for you.

Poor file organization is some other big problem for Google Drive users. If you also cannot access your files easily & are tired of a total mess in your storage, think nearly adopting Digital Asset Management. Schedule a gratis demo with usa to get more details.

And in case you're thinking about replacing Google Drive, Pics.io has only released its own storage & become an all-in-one DAM solution. Requite it a try!